What to Expect
As you enter the doors at Heritage, we hope the first sounds you hear are voices of friends greeting each other and catching up with lives as they head for classes and corporate worship. Upon entering the sanctuary, look around and you will see visual reminders of who we are as a church. Banners containing each of the 5 Solas decorate the walls; reminding us that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed by Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone. Once the service starts, you will truly understand what we’re all about – the truth from God’s Word. We are led in singing songs full of biblical truth and Christ-centered preaching takes us into God’s Word and helps us apply its truths to our daily lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are committed to verse-by-verse expository preaching as our regular pattern for our Sunday morning worship service. We believe this commitment is the best way to feed, protect and equip God's people to follow Him and rightly understand His Word.
The most important musical entity in the church is the congregation. The instrumentalists, the choir, the praise team, and the music leader all work toward the goal of supporting and assisting the local body of Christ in their singing to the Savior. The truths of Scripture are gladly proclaimed through music to teach and admonish one another and to encourage thankfulness to God (Colossians 3:16-17).
The New Testament church appointed a plurality of mature, Scripturally qualified elders the responsibility to oversee, guide, lead and guard the church of God with a servant attitude. We believe the terms “elder,” “overseer” and “pastor” are synonymous. Our governing elder body (consisting of staff pastors and lay elders) are assigned the responsibility to oversee the body at Heritage.
The other office defined for the New Testament church is a plurality of mature, Scripturally qualified deacons who are assigned the responsibility to assist the elders in the work of the ministry through giving needed assistance in the physical and practical needs of the church.
We believe Jesus commissioned us as His followers to go and make disciples. We do this individually as we live our daily lives among those we can influence. We do this corporately through supporting and sending missionaries, or workers who can reach in areas and ways that we cannot. We also look for opportunities to personally go and serve in other cultures, becoming more aware of God’s vast work to draw people from every tongue and tribe to worship Him.
Heritage has never borrowed money and is committed to practicing a no-debt policy for our facilities and ministries.